Last Updated on 13 Mar 2023

Factors related to the intention of newly graduated physicians toward retention in Ministry of Public Health hospitals after 3-year compulsory public service period.


This cross-sectional study aims to investigate factors related to the intention of newly graduated physicians toward retention in the Ministry of Public Health hospitals after 3-year compulsory public service period. Online questionnaire was employed in newly graduated physicians in May 2022. The respond rate is 39.08%, totally 682 respondents included in this study. Descriptive analysis, in term of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used. Pearson Chi square and t-test were employed to capture each relating factor. The results present significant relations among various factors and intention to work in the hospitals after compulsory period. One personal factor is student’s hometown located outside Bangkok. Three factors relating education are (1) studying in secondary school locating outside the city, (2) studying in medical schools locating outside Bangkok, and (3) medical student from the rural recruitment tract. Five factors relating working system and environment are (1) salary and incentive, (2) supervision system, (3) workload, (4) safety workplace, and (5) recreation places in the area. Moreover, policy on 3-year compulsory public service is explicit factor. Key recommendations are a production with concept of rural recruitment, local training and hometown placement has to be continuously supported and the Ministry of Public Health has to emphasize decent supporting system and working environment.

Domestic Journal
Journal of Health Science 2022;31:1121-31.
Noree T , Nimnual I
Noree T.